Breaking the Bankers: Part 2 - LIBOR

by Wholesome Rage | 11 July 2018

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Breaking the Bankers: Part 1 - Private Equity

by Wholesome Rage | 4 July 2018

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For more than a year now I’ve been reading into financial journalism, economics. And one thing that always confused me was… what separated a crime from market forces?

I’m going to assume you’re bored by the news that banks routinely engage in predatory practices because the money they make from embezzling and defrauding their customers is more than the money they make from paying fines when, if, they get caught doing it. So let’s talk about Anchorage Capital instead, their takeover of the Australian electronics retailer Dick Smith, and break down how a hedge fund can destroy a brand, eradicate an entire chain of brick-and-mortar stores on a continent, and it all be perfectly kosher in the eyes of the law.

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Winning Hearts and Minds: The Pentagon and Hollywood

by Wholesome Rage | 27 June 2018

The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative.


I know far, far more about US politics and national events than I know of my own country’s due to something called cultural hegemony. Simply put, the power of United States culture and media is far more powerful here than even my local culture. This is deliberately cultivated, and it’s an interesting part of neo-imperialism that I think is worth explaining.

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