Why Black Panther Wasn't A Very Good Movie™

by Wholesome Rage | 28 February 2018

So first up? I love the idea of Black Panther, the character.

Doesn’t that get your blood pumping?

So here we have me coming into the movie hoping for some love to be given to one of my favourite underrated Marvel characters. Admittedly, I’d have preferred a Taskmaster or Moon Knight movie, but that would have been a harder sell.

Why, then, did I come out of seeing Black Panther so angry? 

I finally get to live up to the name of this website!

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Market Design: Engineering Economics

by Wholesome Rage | 21 February 2018

I’ve had a hard time figuring out what I want WholesomeRage to be about, really. Generalize or specialize? And the more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that my skillset is just… being very interested in things most people would find boring, and making them interesting for you as well.

Economics is a wonderfully rich field for that.

I’ve found over the last year or so that more than any other field, more than communications or politics, economics seems to be the best at explaining human behavior at the macro level. At explaining why cities feel like they have distinct personalities, why _countries_feel like they have moods.

In the words of an economist I know; “It turns out that “Don’t hate the player, hate the game” is one of the most important insights to have to really understand society.”

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Ben Pearce on Editing

by Ben Pearce (Pearple Prose) | 14 February 2018

So, before I get into this, I’m just going to put forward a quick concession: I’m not a professional at this. Writing – and thus editing by extension – are hobbies for me more than anything, and everything I’ve learned over the years has been through trial and error and collaboration and more than a hint of natural inclination.

But I do know editing. I’ve done a lot of it. I’ve probably edited far more words than I have actually written, at this point, because of friends like the very man who runs this website. So, I’d like to think that what I have to say has some merit. Of course, what I do might not work for you, because every writer works differently, and every editor has their area of expertise. Goodness knows there must be countless different writing circles, schools of thought, writing/editing tutorials on the internet. Try things out. See what works. I really recommend editing for your friends if you have the will or inclination; it becomes a lot easier to see mistakes in your own writing when you go back to edit in future if you’ve seen them elsewhere.

On that note, let’s get stuck in.

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